Our studio space

Flipside Studio is a virtual production studio with locations in Essex and London. The facilities are designed to provide clients with the space, tools and personnel to create next generation XR (Extended Reality) content and experiences.

  • Volumetric video capture
  • Motioncapture (mo-cap)
  • Infinity greenscreen
  • Virtual production backdrop
  • Photogrammetry

XR production studio services

Volumetric capture

Volumetric technology allows you to digitise realistic human form and movement. The technology allows us to project humans in virtual and augmented worlds as if they are 3D photorealistic ‘holograms’.

The studio space includes a full DepthKit rig allowing you to capture and live stream state of the art volumetric video.

The format is amazing for product marketing, announcements, entertainment and training – these stunning 3D videos can bring any story to life and our studio has setup that you need to vol-cap at its best.

High-precision motion capture

Our motion capture (mo-cap) environments at the studio allow our clients to create best in class live capture character animation at scale.

Using modern motion-tracking capability we are able to capture and recreate locomotion from human performers and apply those to virtual avatars in Metaverses, VR and AR.

Our tech can track multiple characters simultaneously, including body, facial and hand movement within sub- millimetre accuracy.

With applications from training to communications, and entertainment to announcements we help bring authentic animation to virtual productions.

Infinity green screen

The Flipside Studio has a full infinity green screen to allow you to capture and film objects and performances. The space comes equipped with cameras, sound and lights so you are ready to go.

For green screen work you can use the space with your own crew or engage Flipside staff to help you capture your content.

Virtual production backdrop

And we can take your virtual content a step further. Our virtual production backdrop allows our clients to blend physical production screens with motion capture and virtual camera technology to bridge the gap between film and virtual environments.

The tech allows actors and crew to interact with digital sets and virtual objects, providing a more realistic and immersive production experience, making it easy to integrate film and Computer Generated Graphics (CGI) together.


Our photogrammetry solution allows rapid creation of virtual products and digital twins to be used within the Metaverse in AR/VR experiences.

The cameras can translate real world products into virtual objects, characters and spaces.

This allows clients to create 3D content at scale, at a reduced cost and at a fraction of the time compared to traditional 3D modelling.

Content can be used in a variety of use cases, from product catalogues to virtual shopping, brand activations and e-commerce applications.

Discovery day

If you’d like to spend some time to explore the facilities and understand what is possible we’d love to welcome you.

The tour can take just a few hours. You can meet the technicians and we will also help you explore the tech and understand if the space is suitable for your production requirements.